Modern oil painting on canva worked with spatula.Size of the box Width 60 cm. Length 90 cm.Choose a frame of your choice from the category "frames for paintings" and we will send it to you at no extra charge..
Οriginal oil painting with a spatula on canvas.Size of the box Width 50 cm. Length 100 cm.Choose a frame of your choice from the category "frames for paintings" and we will send it to you at no extra charge..
Oil painting on canva worked with spatula.Size of the box Width 60 cm. Length 90 cm.Choose a frame of your choice from the category "frames for paintings" and we will send it to you at no extra charge..
Oil painting on canva worked with spatula.Size of the box Width 60 cm. Length 90 cm.Choose a frame of your choice from the category "frames for paintings" and we will send it to you at no extra charge..
Οil painting on canvas with free touch.The table has silver frame 6,50 ec.The pure size of it is :Ηeight of 80 cm.Width 80cm.and in a set with the frame :Height 93 of the ec treaty.Width 93 of the ec treaty...